Friday, June 29, 2007

Book update and excuse

The currently reading part of the blog is now a bit out of date. I'd like to update but don't have much time at present. I finished The Eyre Affair and very good it was too. Then I read This is Paradise! My North Korean Childhood by Hyok Kang. Now I am on to the second Jasper Fforde book in the series, Lost in a Good Book. I might update that on the site later.

However the reason for the lack of posts and updates for now is Wimbledon. I've always been a fan of tennis and since I have pretty flexible work hours I am spending most days watching the matches and then evenings doing work. This leaves little time for anything else. And with someone like Raphael Nadal running around in a sleeveless shirt, who can resist the overwhelming desire to watch more and more tennis? Although that doesn't mean I'm hoping he wins the championship - there are too many good players to choose a favourite based on looks only.

Currently reading:

"Hell" by Yasutaka Tsutsui