They Say the Neon Lights are Bright in BroadwayThis is not true of Broadway, UK however. We recently made a short trip up to this extremely pretty town in late June. It sits on part of the Cotswold Way making it a great location for walking. I have some pictures of our stay:

This is the Broadway Country Park leading up to
Broadway Tower. Its a bit of a steep walk but well worth the effort as the views are nice and the country air is lovely. You can access Broadway Tower by a shorter, less pretty path (or drive) but that detracts from the whole country feel of the area.

The Country Park also features red deer, which can be seen here lazing under a tree. It was a rather warm day and we had reached the Tower late in the morning when it was reaching the hottest part of the day so it is understandable that they are not frolicking in the fields.

This is Broadway Tower, a three-turreted folly built by the Earl of Coventry. The Earl was the founder of the North Cotswold Hunt (fox hunting) and the folly was built so that he could look over Broadway, the headquarters of the Hunt and the surrounding countryside. The view from the top allows one to see 12 counties on a clear day.

And finally, a picture of the garden at
Snowshill Manor. The Manor houses a great collection of amazing knickknacks collected by its last owner, Charles Wade. The rooms display full sets of Japanese armour as well as a large collection of the old 'boneshaker' bicycles with the HUGE front wheel and small back wheel.