Friday, June 13, 2003

I believe I posted an article from Nautilus or at least read an article from there which I couldn't re-find that expounded on how idiotic was the idea to set up a naval blockade to prevent suspicious North Korean trade and effectively strangle the country to death. I fully agreed with the sentiments of the author that such a strategy to deal with the North Korea nuclear weapons issue was not only unreasonable in terms of being able to effectively attain the desired goals of US foreign policy toward the North, but it was also highly unfeasible and downright illegal. In a nutshell, containing the North Koreans in this way would not deal with the currently existin nuclear capabilities within the country, nor would it encourage good behaviour on the part of the North, and more likely would breed further mistrust between the two parties and encourage more clandestine activity on the part of the North.

In fact, I read several comments by Korean specialists, all of which noted how impractical and short-sighted a blockade strategy would be. Not to mention North Korea's comment that such action would be taken as an act of war, which may only be typical North Korean ruberic, but not really something you want to risk. This led me to mistakenly think that surely it would never come to fruition. However, I was not only disappointed to read that not only is the blockade notion gaining momentum but the Austrlian, tripping over themselves to impress the US, are thinking they could help out. And while the Australian paper may lead one to think that Australian boats wouldn't be involved, the Asia Times gives a slightly different angle. I'm more inclined to believe the Times since I wouldn't put it past the Aussies to think they are personally involved since they found the herion at Lorne.

I often wonder why it is that US in particular has so many specialists and qualified people on topics that are called in to give advice and comments to politicians and presidents but in the end, they are seemingly ignored and the politicians do what they wanted in the first place. I even wonder who on this earth would have advised Australia's Foreign and Defense Ministers into thinking that supporting this would be a good idea, or even anything they needed to be involved in. Afterall Australia hardly needs, or should be, a key player in this issue.

Currently reading:

"Hell" by Yasutaka Tsutsui